The Successful Profile

Truth in Advertising

How can you stand out from the digital crowd using your profile?

Very easily. Here are some simple things you can do that will get your foot in the digital door:

There are three parts to the profile:

1.) Your picture. From now on it will be referred to as 'pic'.

2.) Your tagline. Enter clever, witty, deep, description about yourself here.

3.) Your essays. The story of your life and how you will take over the world but only in a concise format of 250 words or less.

There are quite a few details on each section. Read on!

Also see:
A Foolproof Method for Getting Your Email Noticed
The Sucessful Profile Redux

A Delicate Balance

How to Know What to Look For and Who Is Looking For You

Dating online can be lots of fun. Unfortunately it does have its draw backs.

The complaint I hear mostly is that digital daters are sorta flaky.

You send them a picture, things go well in email, you exchange numbers, you talk on the phone, you have a date and then nothing.

Other times, it's hard to get past the first few emails.

Is there a huge difference in the way woman and men approach online dating?

I think in the way we interact with the opposite sex in the real world it may be trickier online.

It is easy to hide behind a screen name and profile. Internet dating is a haven for the ego and there is no commitment.

The best approach I have heard from women who get bombarded by emails and men who play the fields is this one simple rule: discard emotional attachment.

Concentrate on the ones that do bite.

We cannot appeal to everyone! So don't beat yourself up and try not to take it personally.

Here are some tricks to zeroing in on a good match:

Know What You Want

A good exercise is to make a mental list of the reasons that you choose to date online. What are you hoping to get out of it? Are you just looking for activity partners or no strings attached? Do you want a committed boyfriend or someone to fill in for a last minute date.

Eye of the Beholder

It is a shallow world and us digital daters tend to click on profiles with the pics that appeal to us it the most. I'm guilty too. While it is ok to have your preferences try this:

If you have a preference for blondes, click on more blonde pics even if they do not immediately jump out to you. They may have a better secondary pic and just not know that their primary picture isn't all that great.

What if you find you like their profile a lot? Maybe you meet them and they just weren't that photogenic. ( I know some very good looking people who just don't hold the attention of the camera.) Maybe they were having a bad hair day and that really was the only photo they had.

If you have your own profile think of how your pic may be representing you.

Be More Selective

Going back to knowing what you want, be more selective in the people that you approach. Their picture may have been a total knockout, but you are looking for a relationship and they are only looking for friends. Or his picture may have rocked your world but you are deathly allergic to dogs, cigarette smoke and arrogant attitudes.

These are what are known as "deal breakers".

Its all the little clues and red flags to consider whether it goes against your values or the person should avoided altogether.

If a guy says he's just looking for a date when he is in town for business, don't expect that he is looking for much else. Well ok. Sex comes to mind but that's about it. The odds of you being the love of his life are mighty slim. So emotional attachment aside know that you probably won't change his mind anytime soon.

Do you not drink and don't want to be around people who drink? Don't invest your time on someone who says they are a social drinker.

Exactly what does social drinker mean? What if that person goes out four times a week to socialize?

This information should get you through some rough spots when dealing with your adventures in digital dating.

Good Luck!