Dutch Explained

Yeah I pull my hair out on this one too. Not to boast but I have never had a problem with it. Trying to decide and explain and take sides really sucks but I did have an observation that you can read in 'Dutch for Ladies and Gentleman'. Notice the title. If this does not apply to you don't worry about it then.

Who should pick up the tab on the first date?

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Explain your version of dutch to me.


What do you want?

This is a Trick Question

You're at your favorite dating site clicking profile after profile and notice these little lists and criteria that almost everyone has.

Some are over the top and some are of no mention whatsoever.

Here is and add I posted in a popular dating site which asks:

What do you want?

Most ads I see nowadays are about what the poster wants.

What do you want? Email me a pic and I'll tell you if I've got what you want.

No dick pics please. And don't tell me you want a girl who likes dick pics.

All dick pics will be reported.

I was open an honest about my approach. I wanted guys to tell me what they wanted. What I did not want were dick pics. I only received two pictures of guys who pointed out their names were Dick out of the 55 responses I have received so far.

Not one guy said they wanted a woman who was skinny, a manx in the sack or a woman to take care of their every need. Nor did they mention college education or financial independence.

They did all more or less have the same answer: a lasting relationship.

All in all there was one that I wanted to respond to and didn't because he stated he did not want to live with a girlfriend. Oh well. He sure had a nice picture.

Back to the trick question part.

There is a right answer to this question and it is the basis for any relationship whether you are a man or a woman.

If you think you know what the right answer is send me an email with your reply and the city you are in.

When it comes to a relationship what do you want?