What happens when you call or email someone to make a date and they can never make the time for you? That or they just altogether drop all contact!
Annoying isn't it?
Its a shallow world but the best thing you can do is move on.
There is no rhyme or reason as to why people do not respond other than dating online is so... "no strings attatched" people do not feel the remorse of ditching others.
Alright that happens off line too. Same rules apply. Move on.
Its kind of like the example of using a credit card v. cash. There is no emotional attatchment to making purchases with credit cards. When you pay cash, its a different story. Your way more careful what you do with it because the fact is money is more tangible.
You are better off just forgetting about said flake, not take it personally and go out and have some fun.
(What were some of the reasons why did you didn't return an email or contact with someone you hooked up with (or not) online?)

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