Resisting Rebounds

Being a rebound rarely ever works!

What can you do to be practical and not get your heart trampled on?

Two things, wait until later or resist the rebound!

Resisting the Rebound
How do you know when you are a rebound?

First you need to subtly investigate a persons dating history. Flat out ask them! When was the last relationship you were in? How long did it last?

In conversation they will drop you hints about this person and refer to them by name. Yes, by name! Probably not over the healing process quite yet so you may want to proceed with caution.

Ask, Ask, Ask
When was the last time you volunteered personal information?

Ask them "Do you hope to be with them again in the future?" You can figure out the answer to that one on your own. Depending on what you are looking for, do you want to be temporary or permanent?

It's ok to ask them how much contact they have with their ex. Especially if they were a big impact on their life. You can differentiate how influential an ex was to someone and when the two of them were idly passing time. Find out!

The questions to ask are "How did you get into such and such a hobby?" It's ok if the former flame introduced them to the idea but if the topic revolves around how great the ex is doing whatever it is they are doing, again, they are on the rebound.

If you overlook this part you will enter a world of hurt for yourself.

Did they break up with an ex to start dating you? Were the two of you together before they were broken up?

Ironically time is not what most people think. Some people can drop an ex in a matter of weeks, it's whats called "checking out." They are present in body but not in spirit.

For others years will not put a dent in the way they feel about someone. Two years can go by. Obviously the chances of making a relationship work are better for you but they are not a tell tale sign if they are over their ex or not.

It's ok if they complain about a past lover as long as they don't go into too much detail. It's a delicate balance between your being self assured and there intent in revealing the issue.

Not an engagement for marriage but being engaged in life.

Do you belong in their life? Do they make an effort to include you in their daily routine? Out with friends? Important functions?

Are they AWOL day and by weeks end are emotionally sponging off you? You are their security pillow when no other is around. They want to go through the motions of the last relationship they had but that person is not in the picture anymore.

Out of the blue do you get a phone call that they will be around the ex for a bit because the two of them are helping each other out with a problem?

That is what you are supposed to be there for. If they seek it elsewhere, especially with an ex, think about where your heart is and mabye back off from what you were expecting or from what you really wanted.

Moving On
The best way to create space or break up with anyone that you really like and hold no contempt for is tell them:

"The timing is not right for us/me/you right now. Maybe we should try this at a later date and see what happens. Call me in the future and see if I am available."

Let them call you. They will know when they are over with the previous relationship. Don't fall for the trap of being the fall guy or girl. That is the crutch until the heart heals.

Start all over again in the dating process and take it slow. Investigate if you think it will be worth it to move on with this person and take it to the next level.

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