Make Your Profile Work For You

Would you believe that a serious digital dater would sabotage themselves by not stating specifically what they are looking for?

One of my favorite dating sites is and let me tell you why.

They have a compatibility meter that helps you determine if you are, well, compatible!

They also have three categories: Dating, Relationship and Intimate Encounter.

You can tag your profile with just one category or all three.

Intimate Adults lets you sign up for free and browse profiles. Premium members are allowed to use messenger and send messages to others. The free members are allowed to respond and also use the messenger. Anyone can send an “I’m interested” to anyone on the site for free.

It really is a lot of fun!

So how do you make your profile work for you?

My number one rule in dating online or off is this:


If you are dating out of boredom, you’re wasting your money time and energy and that of others on dating sites.

Some people have told me that my profile is too harsh and chases people away.

Well good. That means it’s working for me!

Out of the hundreds of possibilities I only want the ones who are not afraid and looking for the same things that I am.

When I'm online dating, I specifically state that you should have a picture and at least a compatibility of 90%. They also need to be willing to fly, walk of swim and meet someone across the country or play host while someone is visiting their city.

That is the honest truth.

Here are the responses that I automatically delete.

-No picture in profile.
-A compatibility rating of 89% or less.
-A tag on their profile that says they expect Dating or Intimate Encounters only.
-Persons who do not fit my age specifications. Even by just one year.
-Profiles that have rude or vulgar tag lines.
-People who are married.

When dealing with others, no two people can ever bee 100% compatible no matter what your computer generated compatibility dictates.

In work, family and business you need to bend. Not so much to the breaking point but you needs to decide how far or for whom you are willing to do so.

If you find that a woman has a good compatibility score, but is a few pounds overweight, is that an issue for you?

They match your ideal mate in every way but are an Atheist and you are a Buddhist. Can this be overlooked? What is their take on the subject?

For some the biggest deal breakers are children, smoking, religion, height and weight. Marriage or divorces are close runner ups. Financial status and education fit in there somewhere I’m sure.

If that is there preference then respect it!

I have seen some people put aside what they consider deal breakers because they genuinely liked the person. And to them it was only bending a little and not a totally compromise.

Just know and test your own limits are and decide where things are going so you understand what you are willing to live with.

Happy Dating!!

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