Pick Up Lines

Do They Work?

Someone asked me the other day what the best pick up line was that I had heard.

Maybe I was just an impressionable young thing but a guy came up and asked me:

“Do you live around here?”

I answered “Yes”

And his response was: “Good then this won’t be long distance…” and he handed me his phone number.

Did this pick up line work?

Of course not!

But I would definitely give him points for being different.

Some believe that pick up lines are the magic pill that will get the opposite sex to be attracted to them instantaneously.

I was also impressed that he offered his number and didn’t ask for mine. How brave of him.

There are many factors why pick up lines do not work:


You are not being yourself but a robot of sorts. That is not interesting. Unless you really are a cheese-ball and know how to work this to your advantage, then you truly have a game plan all your own.

The Other Person is Spoken For

You walk up to a hot chick or guy and give them your best pick up line and they turn you down. Either they don’t like pick up lines or they are not interested in meeting anyone new, or both.

When you want to meet someone knew do your homework which means, don't use pick up lines!

The Person is Not Attracted to You

We cannot please everyone. I think a pick up line would only work if the other person was truly interested, and I mean physically attracted to you. There is no other way. No one wants to admit to being so gullible. Most of the time the pick up is a flat out turn off.

If I ended up going out with a guy that used a pick up line, it would have to be that I bypassed his words and found something else intriguing about him. Then I would tell them later, “You know that cheesy line you tried to use on me didn’t work in the least. It was your eyes that I couldn't resist."

Not everyone thinks this way so don't think the pick up line worked.

What Works Then?

Here is a good formula if you are a guy or a girl to go up and talk to someone, no matter where they are.

There are very few rules but one you must follow. Even if you think they have boyfriend or girlfriend, ask no matter what!

The trick is to come across as better than who they are dating now. And, hey you never know, you just might be better, they may be on the brink of a break up or will call you sometime when they are available.

Offer Your Number First

Have your number written down, and your name of course (yes, I do have to remind some of you) and have it ready to go.

If you are the type of person who is all about small talk and thinks that searching for a pen and paper might work well, use this approach.

Make a Date

“How would you like it if I fed you strawberries dipped in chocolate, tonight?!”

Ok wait that’s a pick up line and will not work, I repeat, it will not work.

Once you’ve broken the ice and they know who you are and how to contact you, an invitation is in order.

“You know I would really like to take you out for a drink sometime.”

What if they say “Ok sure!”

Think quickly because now you have to come up with a place and a time.

You can do some investigating.

“What area do you live in?” or “What types of places do you like go to?”

“How about the Red Door Inn on Friday evening?

See how easy that was?

Be Yourself and Not Contrived

Going back to the issue of robotic behavior, avoid it like the plague!

Just be yourself. If you are nervous or feel like you’re going to throw up when talking to a pretty girl just say “You know what, I’m kind of nervous right now. Maybe it’s your smile, it’s truly amazing.”

Do not mention vomiting and only compliment a person’s smile if you are sincere about that. Not being honest has just placed you in the Pick-up-line-zone which I just told you, you need to avoid like the plague. There is nothing worse than paying a false compliment.

“You know you have great teeth” and the person is wearing head gear.

Can you say cheesy 80's flick?

That’s extreme, but you get my point.

So here is the rundown:

-Have your phone number written down or after having a time and place established look for a pen and paper to write down your number.

-Be yourself.

-Don't be a cheesball.

-Fumbling or being a nervous wreck can be endearing but usually not. Still, be honest as to how you fee. What is the worst that can happen?

NOTE: Do not ask for the other persons number.

If you want to know more about this see 'How to Give Someone Your Phone Number' and you will see why it is such a bad idea.

Happy online dating everyone!

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