The Succesful Profile Part lV

Tips on Pics for the Guys

I will be as sensitive as possible. I promise.

Men. We appreciate you more than you think and we cannot wait to meet you and appreciate you even more. Let me tell you what women don't appreciate:


You weren’t expecting that were you.

I’m getting there, trust me.

This is a complicated subject. Hats are the equivalent of two much make up.

You don’t like switch and bait and neither do we. I say hats are ok as long as they are not a primary picture. Don’t post a primary pic with a hat and then have one without a hat either. It’s still switch and bait on a less grand, and lower level.

Yes a hat can be mysterious. Too mysterious to the point of misleading. If you really do wear a hat all the time, bald or not just don’t use it as a primary pic. What I am trying to say is if you have a receding hairline just show it. If you are full on bald show that too. If you refuse to be caught dead without a hat we still need to know!

You and Your Ex With Her Face Scribbled Out

Pretty much of anyone, but especially of a woman! It ould be your mom in the picture who knows. Not a good portrayal of your thoughts on the opposite sex. There are plenty of free programs out there that can help you crop out any background noise in your photo.

If it’s a really good picture of you yes use it and crop it. If it’s just so-so get another photo. Don’t paint that picture for us especially if you are looking for love and not just a date. Everytime you bring up the subject of the opposite sex of someone we don’t know, especially if we like you that is the first image we will see.

Even if your on good terms and they are pretty you come across as a player. Now if you’re a player, yeah post it. Women are supposed to throw themselves at men who attract other women no matter what they look like. But let me tell you the truth in this. It has nothing to do with you. It has to do with competition that just walked in the room. That’s all I have to say. So yeah that should work out rather well for you.

I Wasn't Expecting a Package

Knock-knock. Special delivery!

You have killed all mystery of what makes women want to know more about you when it comes to a physical level. Even on the adult sites! I know plenty of men are going to kill me for giving away the secret. Women are unlike men and don’t think the way men do. I will tell you who does though, other men.The package pics are great for gay men! The bigger, the better.

Beer Cans, Cigs, Socks, The Middle Finger and Blow Up Dolls

Did you ever see the reality show “Average Joe”? All the men were competing for a beautiful woman and one of the last few whom she really liked had to take her to his home. I don’t remember if his place was clean or dirty or if there were socks lying around or not. I do remember he was extremely hot AND: he forgot about his blow up doll in the kitchen. Not sexy. Kind of creepy actually!

Web Cam Pics of You Basking In the Light of Your Monitor With Your Shirt Off

Women are very creative in thought and sometimes jump to conclusions. Remember? Unlike men who are visually stimulated, we are not. We are emotional. When we see something like that we just don’t know what to think except wonder what you have been doing all night. I shudder at the thought.

A professional (or not) portrait of you without your shirt off is great. There are a lot of very tastful pictures that men can post shirtless without being vulgar. If you are at the beach and it looks appropriate, fine.

Although I said women are not visually stimulated, it doesn’t mean we won’t think of you as manly. If you could stand to do some extra sit ups or lose a few pounds or many, opt for the shirt.

This concludes how to post your pic in a friendly manner.

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A Foolproof Method for Getting Your Email Noticed

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